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Our Services
- Blanket Laundering
- Saddle, Tack and Boot Repair ( Please bring all repairs in clean as we do not accept dirty repairs for sanitary reasons and for our machines)
- Custom Boot Fitting
- Saddle Fittings (Only offered on saddles purchased through Vision Saddlery or brands we currently sell new )
- Tack Deep Cleaning and Restoration
- Custom Boot Fitting
- Please be advised we do not accept mouldy tack for cleaning or repair due to possible spread
In order to be able to continue offering this service to our clients, we have had to implement a policy to ensure clean blankets are picked up from the shop in a timely manner. Just as we ensure the prompt laundering of your blankets, we do need to ask that this courtesy is extended and that your clean blankets are picked up promptly. Quite simply, we have minimal storage space and we think everyone would be happiest if we used what little space we have for the amazing products we procure!
Dirty blankets brought in for laundering must arrive in a garbage bag, otherwise we will sell you one for $1. Once you are called and informed your blankets have arrived from cleaning you have 2 weeks to pick up your blanket(s), after which a $25 storage fee is applied. The same $25 fee is applied for every month following. At the 3 month mark, your blankets are donated to a local charity.
Our saddle, tack and boot repair services are costed out depending on the work which needs to be done. Any equipment being brought into the store for repair must be cleaned and bagged. There can be no dirt, mud, dust or manure present. This is to protect our staff, their horses, and the horse community at large from communicable equine diseases such as EHV1. Any dirt is detrimental to the machines being used for repair work and is also simply a common courtesy. Please note, dirty tack/boots will not be accepted and will not be cleaned for you.
Repair services can include:
Repair of leather horse tack eg. saddles, bridles, halters, girths etc.
Repair of horseback riding boots *(Only offered on boots purchased through Vision Saddlery)
Horseback riding boot zipper replacement and stretching *(Only offered on boots purchased through Vision Saddlery)
We offer several tack deep clean/restoration options to get your tack looking good as new! These are not considered “basic” cleans and we still do require that all tack arrives wipes down and free of dirt and crusty surprises.
Services include:
Deep Cleaning
Hot Oil Bath
Brass Polish
Total Spa Treatment (includes Deep Clean, Hot Oil Bath and Brass Polish)
Please be advised we do not accept mouldy tack for cleaning or repair due to possible spread
Our saddle fitting service is one of our most sought-after services as horse owners go to great lengths to ensure that their horses and ponies have a comfortable fitting saddle. All saddles fitting are currently conducted on Saturdays by Owen Morgan, owner at Vision Saddlery, who has been fitting saddles for 25 yrs and are only done on saddles sold by Vision Saddlery or brands that we currently sell. If you are unsure whether or not your saddle is eligible for a fitting please reach out to us at the email below.
Saddle fittings book up VERY quickly and are generally scheduled several weeks in advance. To book a saddle fitting, email service@visionsaddlery.com
We offer custom boot fittings for Deniro Boots, which are made in Italy. Fittings should be booked ahead to guarantee that there is someone available to conduct the fitting and take your measurements. Custom boots will generally take 12-16 weeks to arrive – so please plan early!